How To Rely On Allah In Hardship And In Ease
Allah SWT says,
"For indeed, with hardship [will be] ease. Indeed, with hardship [will be] ease." Q(94:5,6)
This is to remind us that no matter what situation we are facing in life, there is always something good happening in our lives in that same moment which if we turn our attention to it, can help us be more positive and In Sha Allah find comfort.
Today, many of us are faced with challenges, a lot of which we do not have control over. Every day, the news bombards us with tragic information. We feel unsafe going from place to place. There's inflation everywhere and people's finances are declining. The forecasts predict that things may even get worse.
So how does a believer deal with fear, anxiety, and hardship in times like this?
Our faith teaches us that things will pass and that those tests are not punishments but opportunities for immense blessings and rewards. The believer is always optimistic in Allah Who is Ar-Rahman (The Exceedingly Compassionate) and As-Samad (The Master who is relied upon in matters and reverted to in one's needs). He is the one to Whom a person should turn when he feels helpless and in times of adversity.
The word 'Tawakkul' is derived from the word 'Wakala' which means to entrust something with someone, to put him in charge of a matter and rely on him in that.
Tawakkul (reliance on Allah) is a key teaching of Islam and one of the greatest acts of worship. As believers, we are required to put our faith in Allah hoping to gain His pleasure and rewards. It is especially helpful to trust in Allah in times of fear and uncertainty.
Ibn al-Qayyim (Rahimahullaah) said:
“Tawakkul is half of the religion (faith), the other half is Inabah, which is to turn unto Allaah in all of our affairs and repentance.”
Some people say that Tawakkul is the knowledge of the heart that Allah is sufficient for His slaves and others interpret it as satisfaction with what is decreed.
So, what can we do to observe tawakkul in our daily lives? Allah SWT says,
"O you who have believed, seek help through patience and prayer. Indeed, Allah is with the patient." Q2:153
Patience is one of the most important virtues a Muslim can have. There is a great reward only for those among us who are patient with the Decree of their Lord. You can look at patience as something that it can only be practiced when there is no obvious way out. This is when you do not see the end of the tunnel but you have faith that it is there and you patiently wait until the end of a situation.
In the Qur'an, patience is often paired with prayer and it only makes sense. It is not easy to bear patience which is why most people aren't able to do it. The only way one can keep being patient over a long period is by making Du'a.
Du'a is a significant component of tawakkul. Praying to Allah and expressing your vulnerability to Him will not only grant you ease and comfort but will also strengthen your relationship with Him. Allah loves those who rely upon Him. No matter how big the problem you're facing is, know that Allah is greater and He can move mountains. Therefore, ask as much as possible and ask for anything and everything.
Make it a habit to remember Allah ALWAYS, not only when you experience hardships. We as humans tend to feel independent when we are comfortable. We attribute our successes to our hard work when Allah, The One Who Gives is the One Who gave us all that we have and it is He Who we should be grateful to.
Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said,
“Whoever would be pleased for Allah to answer him during times of hardship and difficulty, let him supplicate often during times of ease." - Tirmidhī 3382
I hope this has inspired hope in you for a better future despite the current state of things. Keep your faith in Allah by being patient and prayerful and things will look up soon, In sha Allah.
May Allah protect us and relieve us of our worries. Ameen.
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